Friday 21 February 2020

Chi-Town’s Breakdown: The Amazing Mary Jane #5. GUEST STAR: “KAY DAY” McDaniel.


Leah Williams (Writer)                      Chi-Town Spidey (Review)
Carlos Gomez (Artist)                        Brad Douglas (E.I.C)
Carlos Lopez  (Colors).
Various Artists (Cover Artist)           
Kathleen Wisneski (Asst Editor)
Nick Lowe (Exec. Editor)
C.B. Cebulski (E.I.C)
                                              Recap: “Down in Flames, Up in Smoke” is just has a few more scenes to film and their lead Spider-Man actor, Charlie, quits.  MJ dawns to the webs (“Boob Socks” at all), and convinces Mysterio to use his special effects to make MJ more “manly” during filming. Master Matrix and Mary Jane have a nice little chat about being honest with Peter.  The Savage Six finally find a way to discover the secret filming spot by ambushing and getting the information out of Charlie.  *EDITOR’S NOTE: Everyone!  I’m a bit tied up at work right now, and free time is scarce so Kelly is going to tackle the Story and Thoughts for me because she’s awesome!  Thanks “Kay Day”!

Story: We start off with Mary Jane in her character’s superhero get up filming her very last shot. She decides to get changed and clean up her trailer before watching the last scene of principal photography get filmed – as she’s heading back she notices the Sinister Six getting out of a VW van. MJ knows what she needs to do, and that is to kick some serious butt.

MJ single-handedly gave the “B-List Savage Six” all she had. Which was pretty effective. We see Turancula get taken out by a set-piece, Rhino gets kicked down a hill, and Stegron get “eaten” by an automatic T-rex head. Cobra had to battle Mysterio’s classic X-Men robots and Scorpion got caught in a vat of SFX quicksand. The only to really catch our fearless redhead by surprise is the Vulture, who picks her up and drops her. Luckily the film crew was able to finish their last shot and the calvary is ready to back MJ up! Thank goodness for Quintin Beck hiring super-powered help, because the fight ended pretty quickly once everyone got involved. Adrian Toombs finally admits to Mysterio that he was just jealous but vows this fight isn’t over — as he flys away. The issue ends with Mary Jane deciding to take the crew out for their wrap party.

Thoughts: This is issue is filled with really cute, fun moments and leaves you with almost no downtime until the end. Full of action, but because of that the issue feels like it wraps things up a little too quickly. I was left wanting more!  Which, thankfully the series has at least 5 more issues, if not more – so I’m excited to see what else our illustrious Leah William has in store for us. I think my favorite moment was when she looks down to see, I think it’s Charlie (who sold them out in issue 4) dropping the SinSix off, and MJ doesn’t freak, she doesn’t fret. She just sighs and takes off her hoop earrings. Those things are terrible to wear in a fight!

That’s the Mary Jane Watson I grew up reading. She’s never going to back away from a fight she believes in. She believes in protecting this movie and giving Quintin and everyone else on set a chance to do something positive with their gifts, with themselves. The issue isn’t as strong as the last issue because it felt so quick, and some confusing contradictions from past issues with #5 set up but I’m still excited to see what new story we are going to get from Williams now that Mary Jane is headed home!

Not quite A material, but a darn good time if you ask me. Amazing Mary Jane is becoming my favorite series right now and I can’t recommend it enough.

Thank you, Chi-Town for letting me moonlight an article!

– Kelly “KayDay” McDaniel🕷

Does anyone else think that the facial expression on the Ramos Cover (on your left) for this issue makes Mary Jane look like a crazy Ex-Girlfriend?  It’s almost close to a female Joker.  Compared to Gomez’s (on your right) facial expression makes MJ look like a BadA$$!

TidBit:  Speaking of being a BadA$$ which Mary Jane, clearly is, below is a picture of villains and supervillains that Mary Jane has been able to beat, outsmart, or even overwhelm them at times.  I’m just factoring in the 616 universe, the list does continue if you travel towards the Renew Your Vows, Spider-Girl, or beyond even that.  Still for just the 616 this list is most impressive.  Comment below if you think I missed any.  Yes Stegron made that list and I’m sure George is pretty upset about that, but I know that he has a big soft spot for Mary Jane so maybe he’ll let this one pass?

“NO WAY CHI-TOWN!  You know Gwen Stacy is Peter’s true love and is quite a much a BadA$$ as MJ.”   Well, you are very wrong.  Gwen is Peter “First Love”, not to be confused with Mary Jane who is his “TRUE LOVE”.  Now I know a lot of you “Emma Stone fans” out there love Gwen and I’m not saying she didn’t do anything to Spidey’s villains, because the FACT is that she DID DO SOMETHING and to Spider-Man’s greatest supervillain no less, but you may not like it or the outcome it brought…I’m just saying


The VERY TALENTED artist that was on this series, Carlos Gomez will be ending his run after issue number six.  I have always said that Mr. Gomez’s art worked so well with this book and matches Leah Williams writing.  They both shared a huge amount of soul and passion to this series and especially to the characterization of Mary Jane.  You can definitely tell that in Gomez’s splash pages this issue!  We at the Crawlspace are so very thankful for his work on Mary Jane and hope to see him back in the Spidey-Verse very soon.  For now, bigger things are happening for him and we at the Crawlspace are very happy for him and wish nothing but the best!  Please follow him on Instagram and support what ever work he has coming next, you won’t be disappointed.  It’s always a treat to see his artwork!  Mr Gomez, we will miss you!  



from Spider Man Crawlspace


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