Friday, 28 February 2020

Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO

James Haick, President of Scout Comics writes about a new product launch at ComicsPRO last weekend. You can catch up with all of Bleeding Cool's ComicsPRO coverage right here.

My name is James Haick and I became President and partner at Scout Comics and Entertainment a little over a year ago. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to be in this position with such a great company. I'll never forget the magical moment that made me a die-hard comic book fan.

I was twelve years old and It was the week that Superman #75 hit the shelves. I collected some comics, but this was the first time I had ever been to an actual comic book shop. I was drawn in by the amazing displays this shop created one day after school. There was character, creator and genre displays helping highlight some of the best comics at the time. I was hooked. Until then, I had to search to find my comics buried among hundreds of magazines at the grocery store. These impactful displays helped introduce me to hundreds of new comics over the years that I would have never even known about.

In order to stand out in a crowd sometimes you have to do things a bit… different. Scout Comics is doing just that with the vending machine display pilot program. We announced this program this past weekend at ComicsPRO in Portland. The Scout Comics team and I have came up with a very innovative display that looks very similar to a vending machine.

There's more to it than just a cool looking cardboard display, it's a consignment program as well. Return-ability has been a popular topic discussed amongst comic shops and publishers for the past several years. There's great points made on both sides of this coin. Myself and the rest of my partners at Scout put our collective heads together and came up with this program that we believe is a win/win for everyone involved. The retailer, the publisher, the creators and of course the comic book fans. I always insisted there had to be a new creative ways to get great comics in the hands of readers. This is the first of many NEW ideas that we here at Scout have planned in the next 12 months that will hopefully do just that.

If you're a brick and mortars retailer and would like to hear more about this pilot program, please contact us at the following email address: Scout Comics has been on the rise every since its inception back in 2016 We recently announced adding Don Handfield to our back office team, along with 6 new imprints. For more information, check out our website,

Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPROScout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO

The post Scout Comics Launches Vending Machine Display at ComicsPRO appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

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