Monday, 23 March 2020

ComiXology To Distribute Comics as Usual on Wednesday… For Now

Given that Diamond Comic Distributors has made this Wednesday's new comics available in comics store today and tomorrow, ahead of certain US state lockdowns, as well as the UK getting the news that it won't be getting any print comics this week, some have wondered what this means for digitally distributed comic books from the likes of ComiXology.

I have heard from ComiXology representatives that they will be releasing comics this Wednesday at the usual time, usually Wednesday morning in the UK, and late-night Tuesday in the USA.  That's as it stands now of course, events do have a habit of changing best-laid plans. And while this is the only way to buy such comics in the UK now, they are also priced up to 70% more than they cost a few weeks ago… given the coronavirus pandemic, might this be seen as price-gouging by some?

What happens in a week time, when Diamond Comic Distributors while not be distributing any new product, is not yet known. Will ComiXology be allowed to go ahead anyway, digital-first? Or will they have to wait until traditional print distribution is achieved? What percentage of one will trigger the other?

Lots more to come. Continue keeping an eye on the comics industry under coronavirus, with this handy tag.

ComiXology Bestseller List - 29th March 2019 - This Week's Top Selling Comic May Surprise You

The post ComiXology To Distribute Comics as Usual on Wednesday… For Now appeared first on Bleeding Cool News And Rumors.

from Comics – Bleeding Cool News And Rumors


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