Sunday 5 April 2020

MARVEL TEAM UP #126: Luke Cage/Son of Satan, Hulk/Spider-Man (1983)

Hm. They couldn’t even get a full fill-in story for this issue. Anyway, it’s a ho-hum tale that mixes the occult and street-level crime. No, it doesn’t work. Take the “heroes must fight” sequence that’s in nearly every issue of MTU. Daimon Hellstrom taking a punch from Luke Cage by “rolling” with it??? No. Just no.

I didn’t realize he stuck up three fingers before transforming to Son of Satan though. That’s kind of interesting.

The back up is a reprint of a color Sunday strip of Spider-Man vs. Hulk. It was Takenaka’s sole work for Marvel.

Creators: JM DeMatteis and Bob Hall (Cage/Satan), Jim Shooter and Tomoyuki Takenaka
Grade: D

For the complete history of the MU, year by year, go here.
And see my Ratings of Runs on comics here.

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