Saturday, 11 April 2020

Absolute Carnage: Scream #3 (2019) pencil & ink by Gerardo...

Absolute Carnage: Scream #3 (2019)
pencil & ink by Gerardo Sandoval
color by Erick Arciniega

from Comics and nothin' but


The post COMIC BOOK EASTER appeared first on Berkeley Place.

from Berkeley Place

Absoliute Carnage: Captain Marvel #1 (2019) pencil by Andrea...

Absoliute Carnage: Captain Marvel #1 (2019)
pencil by Andrea Broccardo
ink by Andrea Broccardo & Le Beau Underwood
color by Dono Sanchez-Almara

from Comics and nothin' but

Podcast #606 Spider-Satellite Patreon Exclusive

This is a patreon exclusive episode. If you’d like to listen to it, it’s up on

We tackle 17 different books in this episode. Those include:

Amazing Mary Jane #6-Kelly

Miles Morales #16-Zach

Venom #24-Tyler

Black Cat #10-Neil

Ghost Spider #7-Javi

Spider-Woman #1-Neil

Gwen Stacy #2-Zach

Spider-Ham #3 &4-Neil

Scream: Curse of Carnage #4-Tyler

Symbiote Spider-Man: Alien Reality #4-Javi

Ravencroft #2- Tyler

Gamer-Man: Black Cat #3-Javi

Noir #1-Neil

Marvel #1-Kelly

Marvels X #3-Kelly

Morbius #5-Zach

Members also get every podcast two weeks earlier than anyone. Are you a member yet?

from Spider Man Crawlspace

Podcast #605 Spider-Satellite Patreon Exclusive Episode

This episode is a patreon exclusive episode. It’s a thank you to members who support the site. If you’d like to sign up here is the link.

We tackle the following 23 books. 
Ravencroft #1- Tyler
Web of Venom: Good Son – Tyler
Venom: the End – Tyler
Miles Morales: the End- Zach
Marvels X #1-2 – Kelly
Daily Bugle #1-Kelly
Spider-Ham #2-Zach
Spider-Verse #4-5- Kelly
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #14-15-Zach
Gamer-Man: Black Cat Strikes #1-2 -Javi
Gwen Stacy #1-Nei
lSpider-Man/Venom: Double Trouble #4-Neil
Venom #23 – Tyler
Amazing Mary Jane #5- Kelly
Symbiote Spider-Man #3 -Javi
Scream: Curse of Carnage #3- Tyler
Morbius #3-4-Zach
Black Cat #9-Neil
Members also get every podcast two weeks earlier than anyone. Are you a member yet?

from Spider Man Crawlspace

Podcast #604 Leah Williams Interview Amazing Mary Jane Writer

We travel to Chicago to talk to Amazing Mary Jane writer Leah Williams. Our own Chi-Town Spidey talked to her at the C2E2 convention. Leah talks about what it’s like to write the red-head and the plans she has for the rest of the 10 issue series. 

Thank you patreon members. You get this episode two weeks early. 

This episode came out two weeks earlier for patreon members. Are you a member? Sign up here.

This episode came out two weeks earlier for patreon members. Are you a member? Sign up here.

You can download the mp3 directly here.
Once you finish the show, be sure to discuss it on our message board. I’ve started a thread on this link. 
You can also discuss it on our discord page. 
Be sure to subscribe to our youtube page. 

Here is our live recording of this podcast.

from Spider Man Crawlspace

Panel(s) of the Day #784 (Caturday!)

Finally the truth is revealed.

Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #195

Published: c. May, 1979?
Cover Date: August, 1979

“Nine Lives Has the Black Cat!”
Writer: Marv Wolfman
Artist: Keith Pollard
Inker: M. Hands
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: George Roussos

from Spider Man Crawlspace